Treatments to rebalance your whole body by addressing physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.

It's time you feel amazing again.

Treatments to rebalance your whole body by addressing physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.

It's time you feel amazing again.

Treatments to rebalance your whole body by addressing physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.

It's time you feel amazing again.

Treatments to rebalance your whole body by addressing physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.

It's time you feel amazing again.

Treatments to rebalance your whole body by addressing physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.

It's time you feel amazing again.


Why Strive for Brilliant Living?

Why feel less than wonderful? Why struggle with constant niggling pains and discomfort, whether it be of your mind, emotions, or your physical body?

We get to the CAUSE of your issues, rather than aiming to treat only the symptoms you present. Symptoms are, after all, clues to be followed on an investigation to get to the origin behind them. Working with you in a gentle, supportive and caring manner, your stress will be reduced, your energy increased. You will receive a careful and considered treatment that respects who you are – without judgement.



A whole-body treatment that offers profound and often remarkable results in restoring balance throughout the body.

It gently ‘re-educates’ the body back into freer movement, improving flexibility and posture.

Improving your functionality, removing undue tension and restoring stability.



Stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Neuro-Training Kinesiology (NTK) enables you to recreate yourself, retraining your neurology at all levels and providing you with choices and options that you didn’t know were possible.

If you want change within yourself, no matter what your circumstances, it becomes achievable.

You are the ‘pilot’ no longer the passenger – make the shifts; do life easier; a stronger mind; better sleep; clearer thinking; calmer emotions and way more energy.



Minerals are essential to keeping you in optimal health and are seldom considered.

When you get sick, you become mineral deficient, no wonder it takes a while to feel on top of things again.

Simple; replace your deficiency with the right minerals – treat the CAUSE and the niggling symptoms (that only get worse over time) disappear.

They’ve been around since 1850s, so proven beyond doubt.



Feeling the FEAR? Endured TRAUMA? Suffered Grief? Experience Hope!

Focussing on your immune system is vital along with a balanced diet, exercise, sleep, etc.

We provide what you might refer to as a ‘tune-up’ – looking at and reconnecting ALL your systems (immune, auto-immune, respiratory, blood chemistry, electromagnetic, etc), along with verifying the supplements and dosage your constitution needs; literally a healthier mind and body to cope with the stresses that are still being placed on you daily.


Low Confidence
Swollen Sore Joints
Lack of Sleep
Joint Inflammation

You will benefit from our expertise in a range of different modalities, that embrace your symptoms whether they are physical, emotional, anxiety or stress.

Latest Advice

L-o-n-g Covid
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FORGET fat, salt or carbohydrates: it's sugar that has been branded more addictive than heroin and it is slowly killing us. Artificial sweeteners - these are up to seven times sweeter than sugar and the body reacts to it the same way. Low-fat dairy - low fat is usually code for high sugar. Bread - wheat raises blood sugar and cereal - is packed with sugars!! The average Australian consumes 53kg of sugar per year, or 29 teaspoons a day according to a well-known health fund.
- Article with more info, written by Nathan Klein
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